Day of the Seafarer

Jamaica salutes seafarers’ journeys on the Day of the Seafarer
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Jamaica salutes seafarers’ journeys on the Day of the Seafarer

in International Shipping News 23/06/2022

Seafarers make a “significant contribution” to the global community while a career at sea offers the possibility of “a remarkable journey”, according to Rear Admiral (ret’d) Peter Brady, the Director General of the Maritime Authority of Jamaica, who has experienced his own successful nautical life voyage.

Delivering his message to mark the Day of the Seafarer from the deck of the Ocean Blue Mahoe tugboat, Rear Admiral Brady said: “For those at sea we salute you, today and every day. For those thinking of embarking on this important profession, congratulations – you have chosen an occupation with reliable and meaningful employment, excellent prospects, and a wealth of possibilities.”

This year’s Day of the Seafarer, which takes place on June 25th every year, takes the theme of “Your Voyage, Then and Now”. The Maritime Authority of Jamaica (MAJ) is joining in the celebration of maritime journeys and encouraging its seafarers to share their stories online, using the hashtag #seafarerjourney. Admiral Brady urged: “Share your voyage with us, so that we can all celebrate our journeys together.”

Admiral Brady spent many years at sea during his own “enjoyable seafaring career”, firstly in the Canadian Navy then in the Jamaica Defence Force. He was also fortunate to give maritime service to the Port Authority of Jamaica as a marine consultant while being seconded there from the JDF, before rising to be appointed as the Chief of the Defence Force, the first naval person to do so.

Recalling his own maritime journey he said: “I have been privileged to be able to ‘give back’ to the maritime community by serving at the International Maritime Organization where, during my ten elected terms as chair of the Standards of Training and Watchkeeping Sub-Committee, I also presided over the Diplomatic Conference in Manila where critical amendments were made to the STCW Convention to the benefit of seafarers’ working lives.”

As part of its celebrations to mark this important day in the international maritime calendar, is orchestrated by the International Maritime Organization, the MAJ is showcasing some of its’ seafarers and their journeys, then and now, via social media and will highlight the story of a captain on a live voyage at sea.

In support of its seafarers, the Authority is also hosting a webinar at 10am (Bogota) this Friday (June 24) on Estate Management for Seafarers, aiming to advise mariners on matters such as life insurance, estate planning and wealth management. To join, please click here or access webinar ID: 883 2847 4473 using the passcode: 766292

And, as they raise a glass to the seafaring community, MAJ staff will also be providing refreshments from the MAJ head office in Kingston Port.

Admiral Brady concluded: “As we join to commemorate the men and women who serve at sea, help us to applaud your successes by sharing your journey ‘then and now’ with us via social media, using the hashtag #seafarerjourney, while we say a heartfelt thank you to seafarers in Jamaica, the Caribbean, and all over the world on the Day of the Seafarer.”

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