Jamaica for IMO 2024-2025 Biennium

Early Closing Hours

Covid-19 Restrictions

Public Relations 0 7984 Article rating: No rating

The Government of Jamaica has announced new COVID-19 restrictions. In light of this, our offices will be closed to the public at 12:00 noon on the following days:

  • Friday March 26, 2021
  • Thursday April 1, 2021
  • Friday April 9, 2021

MAJ recommends crew change hubs to address seafarer crisis

Public Relations 0 9356 Article rating: No rating

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a debilitating impact on the global community. Not least of the consequences is the crisis this created for seafarers – the many men and women on the front line, working on-board ships, ensuring the flow of vital goods such as food, medicines, essential supplies and energy.

As many governments sought to protect their citizens from this contagious disease, ports and borders were closed. This created difficult working conditions for seafarers, as they were not allowed to travel across borders to take up crewing assignments. Others who had completed their Seafarer Employment Agreement (SEA) could not return home to their families. Instead, SEAs were being extended to facilitate continuity of trade.
