Circulars and Notices

Day of the Seafarer - 2023

Day of the Seafarer - 2023

Seafarers, MARPOL and the marine environment

On this day - the 25th of June - we recognise the importance of seafarers, both here in Jamaica and around the globe. Seafaring is a challenging but rewarding career and the world owes our
seafarers a great deal of thanks and respect – today and every day. Without seafarers there would be no shipping and without shipping world trade would be unable to function.
As an island State, Jamaica is all too aware of the importance of ships in bringing us food, goods, energy supplies and to transport passengers safely.

Friday, June 23, 2023/Author: Public Relations/Number of views (3360)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Main PageSeafarer
Day of the Seafarer Highlights

Day of the Seafarer Highlights

Jamaica, and the rest of the world, celebrated Day of the Seafarer on June 25, an annual recognition of the significant contribution seafarers make to the global community.

The Day of the Seafarer was held under the theme ‘Your Voyage, Then and Now’, with the Maritime Authority of Jamaica encouraging seafarers to share their stories online. Here are some of the day’s highlights:

Wednesday, July 6, 2022/Author: Public Relations/Number of views (4748)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 3.0
Categories: Seafarer
Day of the Seafarer 2022

Day of the Seafarer 2022

Jamaica Observer Supplement

The Shipping industry contributes over 90 per cent of the world economy with food, fuel, raw material and manufactured goods all delivered by sea. It also provides employment for thousands of people yearly.
The Ministry of Transport and Mining salutes all our seafarers, who continue to provide essential services even under unprecedented and difficult conditions. The pandemic highlighted the professionalism and sacrifice of our seafarers, who served the country by ensuring that global supply and trade continued.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022/Author: Public Relations/Number of views (4414)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Main PageSeafarer
Day of the Seafarer 2022

Day of the Seafarer 2022

Jamaica Gleaner Supplement

The Shipping industry contributes over 90 per cent of the world economy with food, fuel, raw material and manufactured goods all delivered by sea. It also provides employment for thousands of people yearly.
The Ministry of Transport and Mining salutes all our seafarers, who continue to provide essential services even under unprecedented and difficult conditions. The pandemic highlighted the professionalism and sacrifice of our seafarers, who served the country by ensuring that global supply and trade continued.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022/Author: Public Relations/Number of views (6553)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Main PageSeafarer
Jamaica salutes seafarers’ journeys on the Day of the Seafarer

Jamaica salutes seafarers’ journeys on the Day of the Seafarer

in International Shipping News 23/06/2022

Seafarers make a “significant contribution” to the global community while a career at sea offers the possibility of “a remarkable journey”, according to Rear Admiral (ret’d) Peter Brady, the Director General of the Maritime Authority of Jamaica, who has experienced his own successful nautical life voyage.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022/Author: Public Relations/Number of views (4266)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Main PageSeafarer