Circulars and Notices

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Measures to curtail spread of COVID-19

The Maritime Authority of Jamaica (MAJ) as Jamaica’s marine administration, is committed to its mission to promote high standards of maritime competence, safety, security and protection of the marine environment.

As the provider of critical service, the MAJ has been monitoring the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). We assure our public, that the health and safety of our customers and staff is our highest priority.

The Authority has implemented measures to keep our staff and customers safe, as guided by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the World Health Organization and the International Maritime Organization.

MAJ is urging customers to access our services online, wherever possible. Visitors who do choose to come to our office will be asked to exercise care when interacting with staff, and to adhere to the steps we have implemented, to help protect against COVID-19.

We encourage those of our seafarers who can, to utilize our online platforms. However, we will facilitate walk-in customers during our regular opening hours of 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

For those who visit our offices, we ask that they maintain the appropriate social distancing.

We ask watersports operators to have their vessels ready for inspection at the scheduled times and to keep visitors and onlookers away from the inspection site while our inspector is present.

Passenger carrying vessels must observe the following rules: half of the present assigned capacity to a maximum of ten persons. This number may change based on restrictions imposed by the Government of Jamaica. For small passenger vessel operators particularly, this means that the number of persons permitted by the Maritime Authority of Jamaica as shown on the Safety Certificate, must be cut in half.

The MAJ remains steadfast in its support of Jamaica’s efforts to curtail the local spread of COVID-19. Let us all do our best to remain healthy as we support each other in this public health fight.

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