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Validity of Certificates - ICS Coronavirus (COVID-19)

MAJ Circular 20-03-01

The Maritime Authority of Jamaica (MAJ) notes the continued increase in the reach and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its debilitating impact on the global community. The Jamaica Ship Registry (JSR) is steadfast in providing ‘A Commitment to Quality’ in serving our Clients more so during this period. To this end, we continue to remain functional with a small Team providing service in Office. Several persons also continue to work from home to provide the level of service to which we are committed.

Certificates of Registry and Licences

Certificates of Registry and Radio Licences for vessels as well as endorsements and record books for Seafarers, which may become due for renewal within the next three (3) months, will retain their validity until June 30, 2020.

Certificates will be dispatched in the normal manner providing the courier services continue to operate.

Vessel Surveys and Inspections

Where flag-state surveys and/or inspections become due on vessels and attendance by a Flag or RO surveyor is impracticable, a grace period of up to three (3) months may be considered.  Consideration for allowance will be done on the merit of each case. Owners and managers are responsible to submit a request for such consideration, through the associated RO.

          Registration Documentation

A copy of this Circular along with the original certificate of registry shall have the effect of extending the certificate currently onboard, for a term of up to three (3) months until June 30, 2020. 

          Seafarer Repatriation

The MAJ appreciates that Seafarers may wish to be repatriated during this time.  Where this is feasible, the MAJ encourages all seafarers to ensure they are well protected and strictly adhere to the guidelines given by WHO (see Circular No. 20-03-01) to ensure their safety as they make their way home.  It is to be noted that at this time, many countries have closed their borders to non-nationals and where ports remain open persons are subject to a period of quarantine. Both Master and Crew should verify clear transit along the route of repatriation, before any attempt is made to travel.  In cases of emergency, the Registrar of Seafarers should be contacted at: (876 854 4982) with full detail on the nature of the emergency, the Seafarer involved, the vessel as well as the current and destination ports. Where repatriation is not a feasible option, it may cause some seafarers employed to work on Jamaican vessels to exceed the service period as entered in their seafarer employment agreements (SEA). Upon mutual agreement between the owner and seafarer, the MAJ allows an SEA to be extended beyond the maximum period of eleven (11) months or its original expiration date.  The extension shall be to the first safe port of disembarkation and shall not exceed June 30, 2020.

         Seafarers’ Documentation

The MAJ advises all Seafarers whose certification will expire during this period, that their certification will remain valid until June 30, 2020.  A copy of this Circular along with the original Seafarer’s Documentation, shall have the effect of extending the document, for a term of up to three (3) months until June 30, 2020. 

         Medical Fitness Certificates

The Shipping (Medical Examination) Regulations, 1998, permits a seafarer whose medical fitness certificate expires during a voyage in a location where it is not possible to obtain a medical fitness certificate accepted for working on a Jamaican ship to continue working for up to three (3) months without such certificate. If in exceptional circumstances this period is likely to be exceeded, the owner or manager should contact the MAJ for advice.                          

                        General Queries:   

                                                                  1 876 967 1060


                                                                 1 876 434 0888


                                                                  1 876 551 0685

The MAJ encourages all persons to ensure the necessary measures are always taken to safeguard the personal interests and those of their communities in general, throughout this pandemic.



Registrar General

March 26, 2020

The Maritime Authority of Jamaica

2ND Floor, The Office Centre Building

12 Ocean Boulevard.



West Indies

                                                                                                Tel:        (876) 967-1060-65

                                                                                                                                            Fax:     (876) 922-5765; (876) 922-576









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